Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It’s Miller Time! Drove into Milwaukee this morning and visited the Miller brewery. The tour of the brewery was pretty cool although you don’t really get to see too much since most of it is done by machine. Miller valley is made up of different buildings that house different parts of the production process, we got to see the packaging and distribution centers on the main tour and learned some interesting facts. For example, the brewery in Milwaukee produces 500,000 cases of beer a day, and this is only half of what their sister brewery in Colorado produces – who the heck drinks all that beer? Actually it seems that the people of Chicago does since 40% of all the beer produced in Milwaukee is shipped to Chicago, amazing.
We visited the caves where the beer barrels used to be stored in the early days of the brewery, and after we got to taste some of the beer in the beer garden; Miller Lite is gross, I am definitely not a beer drinker. Mike tried a few of the other kinds they had but one, or three sips of one, was enough for me.
We got to visit the brew house also, wow it was hot in there, about 100 degrees, and it smelled like a pub the morning after. It was pretty cool though to see the vats (not the technical name), they are huge, and to learn about the brewing process.
Afterwards we drove into Milwaukee and went hunting for cheese. We came home with a pound or four but left the curds where they were, they are like chewing lumps of tasteless rubber.

Mike: Just think how much they would sell if they had at least one good beer! They merged with Coors a couple of years ago in an attempt to buy one. I knew there was a reason I gave up beer.

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