What a fiasco this morning ended up being. We were supposed to meet mam and dad at the hotel to go for breakfast and so started getting ready. Mike was in the trailer and I went to the apartment only to find the front door was locked. No big deal I figured that since nobody but us were home that Mike had locked it. I quickly discovered that wasn't the case and that in fact it was Tal-y who had managed to lock herself in the apartment and of course the keys were in there with her. I admit I had a little freak out moment, then decided to drive to get Jaime's key from him at work. Got back to the apartment to discover that the lock Tal-y had managed to turn was not the one that Jaime had a key for so we were still at square one. I had freak out moment two of the morning how was I going to explain to Tal-y that she had to open the door! The bedroom window was slightly open for the electric cable running to the trailer but they have winding windows here so took a little time to get it open. When we did Mike decided it would be best for me to go in. I think I am possibly the weakest person in the whole world so I needed a little lift to get over the window sill - Mike obliged and shoved me through head first. What with him helping from the outside and Tal-y doing her best to help from the inside, I'm just really glad no one was around with a camera as it wasn't a pretty sight.
By the time we got to the hotel of course ma and pa had checked out and walked back to the apartment and were waiting on the porch for us while Tal-y was throwing herself at the door from inside. All in all not a very productive morning.
Mike: Thats the most fun I've had so far!
Did nothing for the rest of today but hang out at the apartment with ma and pa getting ready for our trip tomorrow. It feels like I might be retired or something!
Mike: No, I'm retired, your unemployed.
That must have been a sight hahaha.... wish I was there to see that, you are right in saying you HUNG out at the apartment lol xx