Made it back home early this evening. The trip to Vancouver Island was excellent, I think everyone had a grand old time. Did a little shopping this morning in Victoria after checking out and then headed to Schwarz Bay to catch the ferry back to Tsawassen. We had to wait a while to get on the ferry but when they started loading we were the first on the boat. Unfortunately for all Lec’s efforts we only managed to be about fifth in the queue for food. Tal-y got to wait in the car again but she didn’t complain too much since we brought her sweet potato fries. The crossing was great, and we even saw a seal hanging around off the back of the boat. The drive home was a little longer than on the way there as we came ashore closer to Vancouver . The drive to Whistler was beautiful though, it’s just as breathtaking each time.
Mike: Great trip. This is a big world and a lot to see!
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