Left early again today, Canada in a week means lots of driving but it’s ok since when we get there we can just relax and do nothing for a few weeks since we don’t have any itinerary! Today our destination was Lakehead at Shasta Lake by way of camping world in Rocklin to get a new roof vent. Thank god we did the detour, on the way to Lakehead the rain came down so hard it was difficult to see the cars ion front of us. At least the road was nice and flat and the drive easy, at least that’s what Mike told me. We started heading into the mountains awhile before our destination and the scenery was fantastic. We were just trucking along heading for Trail In RV Park when we went right past it. Nell didn’t say a word for about another ½ mile then she wanted us to turn left in a place where there was definitely no left turn. The road at this point wasn’t really wide enough to turn a car yet alone a truck towing a trailer, oh what to do? Mike kept driving since he couldn’t really do a whole lot else until he found the road Nell wanted us to take. Did I say road, I meant a private gravel drive, no-way we could get up there even if it had been public access. So Mike proceeded to back the trailer up and pull back up the steep hill from a dead stop. Now this wasn’t my first stressful moment of the trip so far, but it was by far the worst, even had a few tears (the first of many I’m sure). I will never trust Nell again! As you can see, Tal-y wasn't too bothered by any of it.
Finally got to the campground, where Tom the owner informed us that all Nells send people right past his drive – you think he could get a sign or something? Ok, I could tell this was a little different kind of park just by the number of empty beer cans visible, Ozarks of the West is what Mike keeps referring to it as, and he thinks he has more teeth in his mouth than all the other campers combined, and there are 50+ trailers here. Tom sells single cigs and has a man in a rocker on the porch of his ‘office’ who looks mighty crazy. Everyone seems nice enough though and its our first night with internet, yeah we can watch the Laker game.
Mike: Becc’ don’t talk about Nell that way! I think everyone’s name was Bubba.
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