Had another day of not alot today. Mike spent a chunk of this morning booking some more of our trip, I think we are planned out through the end of July now when we'll be in Minnesota. I'm not really sure what i spent the morning doing but it went really fast. We took a drive into Pinedale to get some lunch. It's a busy little town and has a little of everything in it. We are definitely in cow country though; we ate at a restaurant and the only veggie food they had was salad, ick. I had to have a Caesar, which i guess isn't technically vegetarian but what the heck. Spent the afternoon doing laundry and finally got to chat to Geraldine and Jazmin, I miss you guys. I also gave Tal-y a shower; maybe now the bed clothes I just washed will stay clean for at least one night. We are off to Teton National Park tomorrow for the day so it's another early morning; I'm going to see a moose tomorrow if I have to spend the week there. It's Mike's birthday tomorrow, hopefully the mosquitoes will give him a break for his special day. He's gonna be bitching in the morning though since I just squished a mossie on the wall and got blood everywhere - it wasn't mine!
Mike: The skeeters found me again. I won't have any blood left!
Happy birthday Mike! Nice legs...mwah, ha, ha!