Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I think I must have seen about 3 million bales of hay today and that's no exaggeration, this is definitely farm country. Headed across the Dakota border today from the south into the north and landed in Hazen. The drive was a long one, about 6 hours with hardly any stops but we didn't have any roadworks to contend with. It didn't start out too well this morning as we couldn't turn Nell on as she wanted to take us on one road and we wanted to go a different route so of course we missed our first turning. Fortunately Mike is good at reversing the trailer and once we got on the right road it was full steam ahead.
The landscape today was as flat as ever as far as the eye could see, and we drove on some of the longest, straight roads I've seen. I think they build the roads to go up and down just to give the drivers a little variety. North Dakota is pretty, very farmy but with lots of colour in the fields at least at this time of the year, but even though it's beautiful now I'm sure it's not much fun living here in the winter. The farmers were harvesting the fields as we were driving through, how do they drive those tractors in such straight lines?
The campsite is nice with sewer and internet, woo hoo; we are here for two nights. Not sure what if anything we are going to be doing while we are here, but it's possible that tomorrows fun will involve a bucket of soapy water and a brush with a very long handle. I'll keep you posted.
One more thing before I go to sleep, I'm sure there's a good reason but why do the Dakotans charge more money per gallon their unleaded gas than for the unleaded plus?

Mike: Boring drive! But landed in a great park! How can all the roads be soo straight? You can see 20 miles in the distance. I just set Serena on auto pilot!

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