So much for getting some good sleep last night, we had another thunder and lightening storm and this one brought more rain and heavy hail, fun. We again had to get up and put the awning down at around midnight and a good job we did too otherwise we probably wouldn't have one this morning. It had cleared by the time we got up today though just some clouds remained. I thought thunder storms were supposed to clear the mugginess in the air but that doesn't seem to apply here since it's just as sticky this morning.
We didn't go too far today, spent a relaxing morning walking the dog and chatting on skype, and then did a little shopping in Rochester. We stopped and had a nice Mexican lunch on the way there and that was about as exciting as it got. We drove through a bunch of small towns on the way but most of them were very quiet since it was Sunday; we'll hopefully get back to them sometime this week, and maybe visit the Amish community that lives in this area.
I saw my first ever fire flies tonight; the trees behind us were full of them, very cute but as difficult to take photos of as the lightening.
Mike: We saw "horses and buggys" driven by little Amish guys.
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