Up and off early this morning although we still didn’t manage to beat the heat, it’s horrible here. This side of Wyoming is much more interesting to look at than the western half, it’s quite beautiful. There is a lot of farming here and lots of cows. Also some actual hills and lots of red clay in the ground which is quite dramatic to look at.
We made it to Beulah today which is still in Wyoming and not North Dakota and we are spending the next 6 nights here until next Wednesday. It's a town with a population of 33 but it has a post office, a fire station and of course a huge bar. It’s almost in South Dakota, in fact we are the last exit of the freeway before crossing into South Dakota. It’s a really nice little camp ground, very grassy with a stream running through it, cute. There is only one problem, well actually two. First, no internet, in fact I don’t even have cell service here. More importantly, we do not have sewer for the next six whole nights, aarrgh. In theory this means that all tasks undertaken in the bathroom should be done in the bathrooms provided on the camp ground. I was all prepared to do this, showering and everything else in the little buildings across the road until Mike informed me that the toilets are not flushable ones but the holes in the gound – I just can’t do it, it doesn’t matter how many times he tells me how nice and clean they are, they are still just a hole in the ground, they can put as many moons on them as they like!
After setting up we took a trip to Walmart to give Serena some TLC; her second oil change in the last month but then I guess we are racking up the miles. We saw a cool thunder and lightening storm on the way back; I guess they are very common in this area at this time of the year. We picked up a movie to watch tonight, Avatar, what a waste of time, I was bored after the first 20 minutes, stupid film.
Mike: I think Becc is afraid something is going to jump up and bite her on the ass!
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