Took a drive to Geneva-on-the-Lake after brunch with the intention of going to the Celtic Fest that was going on at the Old Firehouse Winery this weekend. When we got there there were a bunch of tables set up and some dude singing, not even a Scottish or Irish dude I might add, and that was the fest. I think from now on anything that has anything to do with a fest, for whichever country, is something I am going to stay away from. We are two for two so far this trip, not a good batting average.
While we were out running around Mike decided that we need a bird feeder; personally I think he’s feeling inferior to all the people here who have their own little gardens outside their trailers. Anyway since we are here a while we picked one up and now it’s hanging outside on the tree; we’ll probably get up in the morning and the squirrels will have emptied the whole thing while we were sleeping.
We watched Clash of the Titans tonight, when will I ever learn, another bad movie and two more hours that I’ll never get back, I could have been ironing.
Mike: I like my bird feeder! You could iron while you watch TV!
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