Woke up to the stupid squirrels dropping acorns on the roof of the trailer, they have no consideration at all for us folk who are not early risers.
We didn't venture too far away from the trailer today, just took a little drive into New Baltimore to do a little shopping before heading back to the trailer. While we were out running about we did discover that Tim Horton is no longer only found in Canada but has ventured into the US; with him and Dunkin Donuts in this part of the state I might never get Mike to leave Michigan, he's in heaven!
We took Tal-y for a lovely walk through the woods to the river that borders the park this afternoon. The walk and the woods were really nice, the river not so much since it was hardly moving and had lots of skeeters hovering over it - Mike and Tal-y both left in a hurry.
Mike: Yum! Yum! Timbits!
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