Everyone woke up happy this morning. We drove to Kingston today intending to take a walk along the Hudson River, but when we got there we couldn’t take Tal-y as no dogs allowed and besides it was bloody freezing. We looked at the river and then went for lunch. We ate at the Mexican place that we walked out off last time we were here, and it wasn’t a much better experience this time as the food wasn’t great and the chick that waited on us seemed to be too self important to be our waitress. At least the food filled the gap. We did some shopping this afternoon, mam bought a bird book to try and identify the birds around the trailer, and we bought some wood so we can have a fire since dad and Mike couldn’t scavenge enough from around the campground this morning.
When we got home Mike got the fire ready; what is it about men and fire?, while I made dinner. Some of us (the ladies) ate dinner around the fire which was actually quite difficult since it was dark and I couldn’t see what was on my plate, while some others chose to eat in the trailer in the light and warm, wusses. It started to rain a little but we toughed it out and just huddled closer to the fire. We even ate marshmallows charred, I mean toasted over the fire, but since I didn’t have any stakes we had to use chopsticks – heck we managed just fine.
The fire was lovely, it nice just to sit and watch it burn, although Tal-y wasn’t too fussy about it. It was lovely and warm, at least until it burned down, and then I could feel the cold more than before – at least I don’t have to sleep in a tent! For the rest of the night we all smelled slightly smoke dried, and it doesn’t seem to be going away.
Mike: Ug! Man make fire!
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