Off to New York City today to get mam and dad. We left fairly early this morning since we had a little bit of a drive to get from Wurtsboro to JFK, and we needed to make a few stops along the way. The first stop was in Secaucus, NJ, to check Tal-y into her hotel; she’s going to be staying at the Petshotel at Petsmart for the next few days. She wasn’t to happy about it when we got there and kept trying to get out the door while we were filling out her paperwork. It was horrible leaving her, especially considering the looks she was giving us, but when we left she was getting a cwtch from one of the girls working at the hotel. I think she’ll be okay.
Our next stop was to check into our hotel. We are staying in N. Bergen, which is just on the New Jersey side of the Lincoln Tunnel. We drove right by it the first go round and then it took us a while to get back to it as the roads around it were all one way, by we finally managed it. The hotel is nice, clean and roomy; we spent a few hours here before heading to the airport.
Their flight was due to get in about 6 p.m. but it was delayed about two hours. According to Nell the drive to the airport was only supposed to take about 30 minutes but Mike wanted to leave early so we didn’t have to rush. It was a good job we did cos it started raining and the traffic was like nothing I have ever seen. To get to New York we had to go through the Lincoln tunnel, which was literally a mile and a half from the hotel. It took us an hour and a half to get to the tollbooth, it was crazy. There was traffic everywhere and loads of buses, and in the midst of it all was an old guy whose car had been hit by a bus who was making sure he got all the bus drivers details – not helpful to the traffic situation at all. We inched to the tunnel and then after paying $8.00 we discovered why it had taken so long to get there, there were about 20 lanes of traffic funneling into just 2 lanes to go through the tunnel - stupid!
Anyway once we got through the tunnel it was a little better for a while and I got my first look at New York City; it’s pretty amazing. We drove right up 34the Street before heading to the midtown tunnel and over to Queens. The traffic got worse again once we were in Queens, and it didn’t get any better till we reached the airport; the rain didn’t help anything either. It is pouring down right now, I just hope it’ll be nice tomorrow as it won’t be much fun walking the streets of New York in the rain. The flight was a little later than we expected they got in after 9, but it was so good to see mam and dad and we are going to have a great time for the next few weeks, hopefully.
Mike: Just think, I get to drive through New York again in three weeks when we take them back!
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