Today started off okay and then just went dramatically downhill from there. After washing last nights dinner dishes at an outside sink we got packed up and showered and ready to take off. Then Mike and I had a huge fight, and I mean huge, about which route we were going to take today. I wanted to head straight to Sturbridge and to get there in about 3 hours, while he wanted to detour though Vermont and get there in about 4 ¼ hours. We ended up going straight there but Mike barely spoke the whole time, and in hindsight an extra hour or so in the car would probably have been better than fighting about something so dumb, especially in front of my parents. Definitely not one of our finer moments!
We got to Sturbridge and got set up and then put up the tent only to have to do it again as the frame was all twisted and so the outer shell wouldn’t fit properly. Then, to top it all off, Mike broke off one of his front teeth – it looks like we’ll be heading to Ecuador sooner than planned to visit the dentist.
Basically a crappy day all round, tomorrow has to be better.
Mike: Ah! Peace and quiet!
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