Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
We, Tal-y and I spent an hour at the park this morning with her friend Frank (an old pug), and her newest friend Phoebe (a 5 month old Boston Terrier); she had a good run around which meant she slept most of the way to Chesapeake. After getting showered and ready we drove to Dana and Alan’s, past bunches and bunches of highway Patrol, and got there about 1ish to find a hectic but very efficient kitchen; all the older girls were pitching in and getting the food done. We ate a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with them all, it was good food and there was lots of it; I think they’ll be eating leftovers for a few days. The kids were all very well behaved and ate dinner at their own table while the ‘adults’ had a separate table. The only one who miss behaved was Tal-y. We out her in the truck while we all ate dinner, but when she came back in she couldn’t keep her nose out of the bin and kept trying to steal the food that was being thrown away. At one point she had the audacity to growl at Mike when he pulled her away from the bin – I think that’s the last time she’ll be doing that.
We headed home before it got dark but we still drove the last half hour or so in the dark, and when I say dark I mean dark, there was very little traffic and no street lights – it’s very different to San Diego.
Mike: Good food! Bad Tal-y!
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