I managed to talk Mike into coming for a walk with Tal-y and me this morning around the park and we got to talk to some nice people that are staying here for the weekend. After we left Tal-y home and headed to Atlantic City. I was expecting something like Vegas, maybe not on such a scale but something similar none the less. I was very disappointed, Atlantic City is like a really poor mans Las Vegas. They hotels were just regular and the casinos were smoky, quite disappointing. Donald Trump seems to like this place though as his name is on almost every building. We did have a stroll along the boardwalk, among the rolling chairs, and there weren’t too many people there so it was quite nice. We ate lunch on the boardwalk at Johnny Rockets and the whole wait staff entertained us by dancing and singing along with the jukebox music – Mike went right back to his youth!
Mike: I wanted to get up and dance but Becc would'nt let me!
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