We left super early this morning and hit four states in five hours, not bad going at all. The trip was about 6 hours all together but didn’t seem that long as the roads were fairly quiet and easy going. We put the address into Nell before we left the park and I’m glad I checked the directions as she had us heading south and taking the ferry – I can only imagine how happy Mike would have been if we’d have ended up going in the wrong direction. We ended up heading northwest through New Jersey into Delaware, then through Maryland and into northern Virginia; the drive went well except for one little point at one of the tunnels. The signs said no hazmat and had another sign saying no propane tanks. We did a detour but still ended up going through another tunnel just down the road from the first one. I’m still not sure whether we were supposed to use the tunnels but we didn’t get pulled over, not even by the nice toll lady who took $8.00 of our money. The toll system here is crazy, you seem to have to pay to get on a road, and then to get off a road, and to use any bridge or tunnel, and any other time they feel like taking our money. We paid almost $20.00 today in tolls; people that live here must have an extra line in their budgets just for this cost. We got to the park mid afternoon after getting off the freeway and driving through some country lanes for a while. It’s nice here, it seems to be horse country, and we are right close to the Shenendoah Valley – it’s very pretty country. We got all set up and everything was fine; it’s normal for the water at these places to run brown for a few seconds when its first turned on, but this was brown, and then a light yellow for most of the night. The lady at the office informed us that they had had a water leak but also that the water table is low so it’s kinda normal – whatever I guess!
As I was finishing up inside the trailer I heard a bit of a thunk outside. It turns out that a tree jumped right in Mikes path as he was reversing Serena and now she has a lovely dent in her backside. Mike has promised her that he’ll get it fixed and give her a new paint job to go with the repair. I’m just glad I didn’t bump the truck or I might never hear the end of it.
Today is exactly 6 months since we left San Diego; we’ve traveled right across the country and covered over 19,000 miles. We are both still having a blast and looking forward to spending loads more time on the road.
Mike: I was just giving Serena a little character, like a sexy scar!
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