We moved back to the Gloucester park today so we only had a short drive to make. But how come Nell took us on the same roads to get back here as when we left but the time was shorter by about 10 minutes? If you travel the same distance in opposite directions shouldn’t it take the same amount of time, I mean we aren't flying so we don’t have a tail wind?
We took even longer to pack up this gorgeous morning than on the day we got here, but since the drive was so short there wasn’t really any great rush. We had a little trouble with the hitching up again; I wasn’t so awesome this morning. I was backing up but every time I put the truck in park it would roll a little bit either forward or back. Mike kept yelling at me to put the brake on before I put the car in neutral which I thought I was doing, but he meant the hand brake and not the brake brake. When I finally figured it out the truck didn’t roll anymore! The next little problem we had was all Mike, he hitched up and then took the block out from under the hitch before putting the anti sway bars on – silly boy. To be fair to him he was being distracted by our buddha bellied friend who came over to talk to us, Mike is not very good at the multitasking thing. We had to jack the trailer back up which is getting harder and harder to do for some reason.
We finally got on the road and got to Gloucester before noon and got all checked in. We parked in a little different place than last time but the park is still very quiet and even though there are a number of RV’s here there are not too many of them that are occupied. Unhitching was difficult, Mike had to jump up and down on the bumper again to get the hitch apart, and it seems that we are going to have to get a new cranky thing in the near future as the one we have seems to have had it’s day. Besides needing a new crank, the electric water heater is also broken; when we turned it on today the water didn’t get hot – definitely a sign that something is not quite right. To top it all off, when Mike started tuning in the TV this afternoon the handle that winds the antenna came off in his hand. That’s three things, that should be it right?
Mike: Ah, the leisure life, no problems, no worries!
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