Up early this morning as we had a four plus hour drive ahead of us as we left South Carolina today and crossed into Georgia. Even though it was long the drive passed quite quickly and after passing more cotton fields than I could count we got to Unadilla where we are going to spend the next few days. When we arrived at the address that Nell took us to there was no campsite; it seems to have fairly frequently whereby where she thinks the address is and where it actually is are two very different places. Anyway, we figured out where we were supposed to be and arrived at the campsite around 2.30. When Mike went to check in he was informed of a little problem that they had. Apparently a tree had fallen on some power lines and taken out the power to the one section of the park that we would otherwise have been using, the section with full hookups, cable and 30-amp power. We therefore had to park in the section that had 50 amp power and use a converter; trouble was we didn’t have a converter and the campground had supposedly handed all there’s out. The kid checking us in told us to go visit the RV place just up the freeway but they were closed (that was when we finally found them) so we had to drive to Walmart which was a nice little round trip of about 30 miles; at least they had what we needed. When we got back to the campsite the owner was doing the checking in and he told Mike that they actually had converters that we could have used; needless to say neither one of us was really very happy. Whatever, dumb kid!
We got set up pretty quick as it’s quite cold here, although we didn’t put the awning up as it’s already windy and supposed to get worse through tonight and tomorrow. The campsite is okay, there is at least a place to run the dog, but we are literally alongside the freeway and the traffic noise is loud. Also the book states that the campground is nestled in a pecan grove, but there are very few trees around us, certainly not enough to nestle in. I suppose we’ll survive for 4 days.
Mike:I told you, it's an adapter not a converter!

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