We had intended to visit Gatorland today so I got up earlyish to walk Tal-y, and while we were down by the lake we met Jack and his owner and decided to stop by this morning on our way out to get the info. So after showering and stuff we headed off to visit the english. Mary was on her way out but Steve gave us some really useful info both about shipping Tal-y and also about leaving the trailer and truck while we go to Ecuador and the UK. They left their vehicles for 12 months and when they got back the truck started right up which was a concern of Mikes; he had toyed with the idea of selling Serena but is glad he doesn’t need to. Well being an englishman Steve likes to chat and so we didn’t leave till well after 11 o’clock. We headed south to go to Gatorland but stopped along the way for lunch during which we decided that maybe it would be a better idea to go to Gatorland tomorrow when we can get an earlier start. So we did a little shopping instead (we now have tofu turkey for Christmas dinner and I have tofurky for sandwiches, yumm), and then headed back home.
While I was sweeping the mat off outside this afternoon we had a little visitor, and yes I knew what it was right away. He was snuffling through the undergrowth right behind our trailer and came almost onto the mat. I think he would have if he hadn’t realised that Tal-y was there straining at her cord trying to get to him. He was really cute and rubbery looking, I wonder how he feels? He took off once Tal-y started barking at him, and I left her keeping watch from a perfect vantage point.
Mike: Were you going to tell them what it was? A giant tofurky! No, just kidding it was an Armadillo!
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