Everything looks better in the morning sunshine. I had a little moment last night when I wondered why the heck mike had brought me here and whether I'd really be able to last three months, but I feel better today.
We got up and went for breakfast in the little cafe next to the hotel on the advice of the lady at the front desk. We had scrambled eggs, toasted cheese sandwiches, coffee, and some kind of juice that was really yummy. It was all really good, although mike missed his hot sauce, and we paid $5.00, for all of it not each.
After stuffing out faces we decided to walk into the old town. It didn't look too far on the map but it turned out to be quite a hike. Fortunately we didn't have to negotiate any major hills, but we did have to cross a few roads and we got beeped at a number of times. The walking was really hard going at times. It was a beautiful clear day and not too hot, but at this altitude trying to get a good lung full of air is difficult, it's going to take a few days to acclimatize I think.
We spent about four hours wandering around the old town and sitting in the Plaza Grande just watching the people walking about; as today is Saturday there were lots of people just out and about enjoying the weather.
Quito is a lot different than I was expecting, it's a lot bigger for starters with loads of traffic and people and lots of traffic pollution. It's streets are quite clean and well taken care of and there seems to be people picking up trash and the like all the time, but it still has the overall feeling of being a little run down and dirty - I guess I've never really spent any time in a third world country before.
It is pretty cool to watch the people here though, especially the Ecuadorian Indians with their traditional dress. The woman especially seem to maintain the tradition and wear long skirts with white embroidered blouses and awesome hats with big feathers in them. the majority of them are trying to sell you different things as you walk past, mostly fruits but other things as well.
After spending a while walking we headed back to the hotel to rest our weary legs - this 9300 foot altitude is a killer. Both Mike and I took a nap and then went out for dinner. It seems that our hotel is right at the centre of the new town and it was really lively out tonight, lots of people wandering about and eating at all the different restaurants. We ended up eating at a Thai place and had some excellent food, and then we did some more wandering. It seems relatively safe here as there is at least one policeman on every street, and usually more. Even though there are alot of people around they mostly seem to be out getting dinner, heading to karaoke bars, or just hanging out with friends. On the way home we stopped at a corner store and Mike got a giant bottle of beer for $1.05; I'm going to have to be careful or he'll be having beer for breakfast with his coffee.
Mike: This should expand my lung capacity. Humm! Beer & Coffee!
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