We had our first Spanish lesson this morning so we got up a little earlier than necessary and headed to Kookaburra Cafe for a nice hearty breakfast of eggs on toast and potatoes; Mike even had a veggie juice to get the old brain cells going. Our lesson started at 11 and lasted for an hour and it wasn't so bad. We started at the very beginning with the basics and lots of vocabulary but i think it went ok; Lee told us that we did pretty good. A lot of what Mike learned a lot of years ago when he was in school came back to him and I think having studied french in school helps a little. My pronounciation wasn't too awful although it is hard to get over the habit of saying words that look like english words the english way, and Mike gets a ittle tongue tied sometimes, but we'll get there. I learned lots of new words and I can now say 'bitch' so if the need arises were i need to insult someone I can!
We did a little shopping afterwards before heading home. I spent alot of the afternoon doing laundry; I actually handwashed everything that was dirty so now there is wet washing hanging all over the bathroom, dripping everywhere. It's hardwork washing every piece of clothing and I think I already have calluses coming on my hands from wringing out the wet clothes. I'm just thankful that Mike didn't try and send me down to the river to do it, i can't really see myself scrubbing clothes on the river bank and then beating them against a boulder to get the dirt out.
Mike: Little do you know I've signed you up for a "river washing class" with the
Indian ladies.
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