We got up this morning and ran into town so we could take care of business before going to Mike's dentist appointment. We went to see Sandy to pay her for our trip to the coast this weekend, we leave Thursday morning early.
Then we walked to the dentista so Mike could have his crown fitted. We thought she had sent his old crown to the lab to be reporcelained but it turns out it was in his mouth the whole time and all she was waiting for from the lab was the post. She popped the crown off and refitted it with the new post all in about half an hour. She told us at the last appointment that the cost was $70.00 and that we could pay when we came back which was today. We figured there would be an additional charge after the work she did today but nope, $70.00 for everything, amazing. Mike has now made an appointment to have his other tooth fixed which will be more complicated as it involves three teeth on a bridge. He'll have to go to several appointments and the total cost will be $580.00 give or take. The money we will have saved getting his mouth fixed down here rather than in the States will have paid for our plane tickets to the UK.
We haven't done a whole lot else today and now I am going to eat beans that Mike just made, yummy.
Mike: I may knock out some more teeth so I can have more work done! What a bargin!
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