Up and at em this morning. We had another early morning, as I don’t think our bodies have adjusted yet; that’s not all bad since I had lots of cleaning and sorting to do today. After coffee and breakfast Mike took off to get Serena some new tyres; he’s been promising them for months and as she was so good starting first time he finally went to get them, and while he was gone I got to clean. The trailer wasn’t in too bad a shape but it was really dusty after having been shut up for 7 months so I got to work cleaning blinds and floors and trying to reorganise clothes. When we left all the winter stuff that was in the suitcases was put in drawers and that now needed to go back in the suitcases. So after emptying the clothes we took with us I emptied the drawers and started repacking everything. While I was cleaning I was quite surprised not to have seen any bugs, no spiders or ants or anything, but as I started moving boxes I discovered that we had had visitors of the four legged kind. There were little mouse poops all over the place and when I emptied the kitchen drawers I discovered that they had had a little chew on all the tea towels and dishcloths. Then I moved a storage box and found more poop, some blood, and what looked like bits of several of my jumpers. I cleaned it all up, found two wooly jumpers with big holes in them (I guess that had used the bits to make a nest), but thankfully no dead little mouse bodies.
Mike got back around lunch time, without lunch, so we had quesadillas; Serenas tyres had been fitted for a grand total of somewhere in the region of $700.00, but Mike was happy as he got a great deal and a nice little mail in rebate. After finishing all the cleaning that absolutely needed to be done I was hot and knackered so anything more can just wait until tomorrow or even the next day. We did put some of the outside stuff away ready to leave in the morning and we discovered lots of little green frogs hanging around the trailer. There weren’t any of those last time we stayed here but then the lake is a lot fuller this time and it’s definitely warmer at 95 degrees.
Mike: Finally, tomorrow we get to continue to "see the usa in a chevrolet!"

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