I didn’t even wash my face this morning, just got right into the rest of the packing so we could get moving. We got out of the park a few minutes before 7 and started out on our 6-hour drive to Biloxi. We drove through Jasper, which was a little busy, but once we got out of town and onto the highway there was hardly any traffic about. In fact, most of the roads we used today had hardly any traffic on them, some lorries, but not many cars, which made the drive quite pleasant. We boogied along at a nice pace for most of the way and got into Biloxi around 2 this afternoon; this 6 hour drive was actually a lot better than some of the 2 hour drives we’ve done. The only black spot on the drive today was when I discovered that I'm married to a killer. We stopped at a services along the way and mashed into the front grill off the truck was a wee little birdie. It was well and truly mangled and Mike had to get a stick to pop him out off there. I guess one death in almost 18 months is pretty good going - we don't count the bugs!
The park we are staying at for the next two nights is ok, although I’m glad we are not staying too long. It looks like this park has a lot of people who live here full time and some off the trailers have seen much better days. We are pretty close to our neighbour as the sites are very skinny, but it’s ok as our neighbour appears to be a ferret; we can see her playing in her cage when we look out our window, she’s very cute.
We took a drive this afternoon, first in D’Iberville, and then a little south to Ocean Springs. There wasn’t a lot going on in either place, they are just smallish towns with lots of shopping, but we did have dinner while we were out. After eating we headed back home as Mike is knackered; being on the road for 7 hours sure does take it out of you – like I’d know!
Mike: You can drive if you want Becc!
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