Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We drove about an hour from the campsite to Houston this morning; well mostly we skirted Houston as we didn’t really want to go into the city. Our main reason for heading south was to visit the Ikea there as we needed a new shade for our lamp which has been split since probably this time last year; and since Ikea is foreign, lamp shades from anywhere else don’t fit their lamps. So off we went and had a wander round Ikea. It was fun checking out all the furniture that we have no place to put – maybe one day. We did manage to get a shade for our lamp though, the exact same one as it came with, so now it looks spiffy again – just because we live in a box there’s no reason to live like trailer trash!
We stopped off to have lunch, at a Mexican restaurant of course, and for the first time in forever we were asked whether we wanted a smoking or non-smoking table. I had no idea that there were still places that you could smoke inside, you can’t even do that in a pub in the UK anymore; both Mike and I stopped for a second wondering whether we’d heard right. The food was good, well we were at On The Border so we knew it would be, but we have to remember to ask whether the beans and enchilada sauce have meat in them, cos here in Texas they seem to put meat in everything.
We stopped off at the lake when we got back to the campground and it was a really sad sight; it appears to be down at least 15 feet from where it should be. Much like the rest of Texas that we’ve seen so far the drought is doing damage here too; they won’t be launching any boats from this dock in the near future.

Mike: I think there's more water in Death Valley than there is in Texas!

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