Monday, November 7, 2011

It's exactly 18 months ago today that we finished work and headed out on the road. It surely doesn't feel like that long but I guess taking off 7 months in the middle there has something to do with that. We have definitely visited a bunch of states (39 at last count) and yet we have seen so little of this country. I think we could probably zig zag across the US for the next 10 years and still not see a fraction of what's out there. We are still enjoying the trip, most days anyway, and don't see stopping in one place just yet.

Mike left me in bed this morning and went off to get a new rim and get the tyre fixed; I had a nice little bit of me time while he was gone. He was really pleased when he got back that everything was taken care of and we have a spare tyre again now. While I got caught up with the blog that I have been seriously neglecting he did some other chores that he's been putting off. A very exciting and productive day all round.

Mike: Man to labor in the fields, UG!

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