On the way out of the park I finally took a picture of the cows that we have passed everyday, the ones with the headgear. I’m not sure why they have these things wrapped around their heads, maybe to keep their horns on?
We headed straight west, through San Antonio and into Hill Country. The drive was ok, mostly along the freeway until we started heading north, then the roads became a little narrow and less busy. We were following Nell’s directions and had just made a turn when a truck waved for us to stop. He asked us if we were going to Thousand Trails and suggested we find a different route than where Nell was taking us as he claimed driving along Texas Street would ‘wreck our rig’. I thought maybe he was exaggerating but assumed he had a good reason for us not going that route so we followed his directions. When we got to the Thousand Trails entrance we saw down Texas and I am so glad we listened to the lovely man; it was basically a dirt track with more holes and ruts in it than anything I have seen – what was Nell thinking?
We checked in with the ranger and drove around the park looking for a spot. It’s not a bad place, right on Medina Lake, with lots of space and lots of room between spots. There’s also lots of deer, they are everywhere. We finally settled on a space and got set up, with the deer watching every move. Each time I went in a bag or rustled something they would get a little closer – I think maybe some folks have been feeding them!
After we were done Mike tried to tune in the TV. Turns out we have 2 channels, no internet and my phone only works if I stand just so with one leg in the air – it’s going to be a long four days.
To get over the disappointment of no connection to the outside world we took a drive and ended up visiting Bandera, the Cowboy Capital of the World. It was a very cool place, cool buildings and lots of dude ranches.
Mike:These deer are really "cheeky", they'll pick your pocket if you let them!
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