We have spent the past few days fixing up the trailer, doing little repairs and touch ups ready to trade her in when we get to Cheyenne. Painting, staining, gluing, filling, we’ve done it all this week; who knew we had so much to do, I think cleaning is all we have left to do now and that’ll be when we get closer to Wyoming. I trailer looks excellent inside and out, we should have done these things a long time ago. Why is it that repairs that have needed doing for a while only get done when someone else is going to benefit?
Besides maintenance we have also found time to eat quite a lot, and although the egg drop soup at the Noodle house was good it was not in the same league as the hot and sour – I think another trip there tomorrow is called for.
Apart from eating, I have spent a lot of time researching both mine and Mike’s family trees this week, with our free Internet. Mike is just as much Irish, English, French and German as he is Scottish – I swear I didn’t know about the English part before we got married, if I had well we might never have gone to see the judge! My family tree was easy to trace back two generations as my relatives had names like Uriah and Obadiah, but when I got to the ‘normal’ names like James and William it became almost impossible, as looking for the right James Jones is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
While I have been doing something constructive these last few days, Mike has been peering through the slats of the blinds trying to figure out what our toothless (literally) neighbours are up to. I can't imagine where he got his nosiness from, and I'm sure if he went and talked to the neighbour he'd tell him what he was doing with all the stuff that he has sitting on the floor outside his motor home; he might even offer him a nice shot of vodka.
Mike: Can you imagine! I asked the neighbor where he was from and he said Wales, I'll bet he's a relative of yours. Besides miss Wales many of your relatives are English!