Man was it cold last night, I mean it was cold outside, we were nice and toasty with the heater blasting all night. I think the temperature got down to the low 20’s last night, maybe we shouldn't be staying at a park that's at 7300 feet at this time of the year. We are not the only nutters though, as there are at least four other silly folk staying here. Of the 100+ spaces in the park only 12 of them have water, the rest have all been shut off for the winter.
After catching up with the family and the puppies we took a drive into Monument. There are quite a lot of stores but not too much else, but we managed to take care of business. We were out till around 1.30 this afternoon and got home just in the nick of time as the hose pipe had started to freeze. We had had the water running all night but turned it off when we left, and turned off the heater, as the sun was glorious, but the snow clouds came in really quickly and the temperature dropped drastically. By the time we got home it was around 27 degrees and just starting to snow. We are supposed to have snow showers tonight and through tomorrow and then we are expecting a ‘heat wave’ over the weekend; I think we’ll be spending the rest of today and tomorrow bundled up inside. I actually thought that temperatures that are below freezing are too cold for snow but obviously not; whatever, it’s pretty to watch it swirling around.
Mike:Not going anywhere for the next two days!
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