Well we spent the last three days catching up on our sleep, doing laundry (you get really dirty working in a warehouse), and preparing food so that I don’t have to do much cooking when I get home from work this week. We did get to hang out with some folks here at the park a couple of nights and had a lovely time with nice wine and good food.
Mike: Yummy! Pizza!

Then today at work we were certified on the VRC which stands for vertical reciprocating conveyor but which means elevator. We had to be taught how to operate it safely so that we have no excuses if we do something wrong and get hurt. Then it was off to do more stowing but only for a little while as there wasn’t enough work to keep us all busy. They were actually asking for VTO today (voluntary time off) which means you get to leave but don’t get paid, but we started car pooling today and we didn’t want to go home anyway. So we got moved to a different department, we ended up in IC/QA. I have no idea what that stands for, but they are the people who do quality control and make sure the right product and the right amount of product are in the bins. So, for most of today we wandered around the building counting product and general straightened the bins to make the pickers lives easier. It was kind of nice to do something a little different, and it did help us to become more adept at navigating the building as we were moving from area to area instead of being stuck in one place. The pedestrian areas for the most part are marked with green tape on the floor so as long as I’m following that I’m ok. It’s when I have to go to or through an area that doesn’t have tape that I get confused, but I’ll get there, if a forklift doesn’t get me first.
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