Headed out from Boulder this morning and headed towards eastern Wyoming. We are staying in Beulah from tomorrow night onwards for 6 nights but had nowhere to spend this night so we just headed in the general direction. We had wanted to get at least as far as Casper so that tomorrows drive isn’t too long. The drive today was fine. This side of Wyoming is very, very flat with very, very straight roads; about the most exciting thing that happened today was when Nell had a kink in her pink line! It’s not that it isn’t pretty country it’s just that it feels like we aren’t going anywhere because everything looks the same. I do have one question though, why does no one here ever throw anything away? Montana was the same, all the farms have junk everywhere, old cars, bits of machinery, piles of wood, why don’t they ever clean up, it looks awful?
We arrived at the campsite in Casper and got there just in time as we took the last spot they had available. The campsite is right in the middle of the city but its not bad, only problem is it’s too dang hot, about 95 degrees when we arrived. We aren’t doing anything tonight, we haven’t even unhitched Serena since we are hoping for an early start tomorrow.
Mike: Wyoming and Montana could take the worlds excess population. So much space!