We finally made it to Bear Cave this morning although I kinda wish we hadn’t made the time. I was feeling all brave till we got half way down the steps and then just sort of lost it a little bit. I guess I’m a wuss too. I forgot I hate caves, and all the talk of bats just about finished me off. I didn’t scream, although there might have been some tears, and I didn’t leave and actually managed to get all the way around it. It wasn’t very big and was very narrow and low in places but it was interesting, at least as scary caves go. The cave was used in the movie The Great Train Robbery in 1903.
We drove into Niles afterwards once we eventually got away from Mike’s new friend (he was an astronaut at NASA), as there was a festival going on there on the river. It was nice; they had dragon boat races on the river and a little fairground with booths and lots of food. There was also a car show with loads of old cars; Mike got all nostalgic as we were walking around remembering the cars that he has had in his many years of driving. There were definitely some awesome cars there and some super noisy ones too.
After leaving Niles we drove towards Lake Michigan to New Buffalo. The town was nice, but there was a sailing event going on there so there were masses of people wandering about. We didn’t stay very long before heading back home for the evening. We took Tal-y down to the river again and she was very brave this time and managed to walk along the waterfall; she just put her head down and ran for it after a few false starts. I’m not sure whether she was really brave actually or whether she was just trying to get away from the big dog that had just attacked her at the riverside.
Mike: The cave was cool, it was also used by the “underground railroad” during the Civil War to smuggle the Slaves to the north. The car show was great!
Conclusion of the day, Becc and Tal-y are both big wusses.
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