The day started out great, got up early as we had a bit of a drive
ahead of us; we took off before 8 and headed towards Cooperstown. We
made a quick stop along the way at Dunkin Donuts and got served by a
young ‘lady’ who was fat and gross, her belly was hanging out all over
my bagel, yuck. After getting back on the road we were having a nice
drive through the countryside when from nowhere, whoop, whoop. A nice
little state trooper pulled us over cos apparently we, by we I mean
Mike, was doing 55 in a 35 zone. He was very kind though, instead of
giving us a speeding ticket, which in New York can result in points on
your license, he gave us a seat belt ticket, which just means a fine.
Why the heck couldn’t he have just given us a warning and sent us on
our merry way???? Anyway, Mike was very calm, he’s taking a lot more
in his stride these days, and onwards we went.
Cooperstown is a cute little town with some beautiful houses. It’s
very baseball oriented, as you can imagine, every store has some
baseball reference in its name. The Hall of Fame was a neat place,
basically a museum and the amount of information and memorabilia in it
was overwhelming. I got to learn all about the history of the game and
the players that have played it for the past 150+ years. It was
interesting, and probably more so for a real fan of the game. Mike
enjoyed it and got to relive memories from when he was a kid watching
the Dodgers.
I bought a Padre hat at the store (does that mean I’m jumping on the
bandwagon? I don’t think so since they aren’t in first place
anymore!); Mike told me that he won’t walk with me if I’m wearing it –
he was only joking, I think.
Mike: Cooperstown was great! New York State Troopers suck! Padre's suck!
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