Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wow, it’s September already, it’s amazing how time flies when you have nothing to do and nowhere to be. We actually did have somewhere to be today, we went to Lake Metroparks Farmpark in Kirtland. It was a working farm that told you all about where food comes from and how it gets from the farm to the table. It was actually very well done, especially for kids, and the animals were all really cute. I especially liked the little pigs, or piglets if you prefer, they were so sweet. I tried to persuade Mike that Tal-y would love one as a friend but I changed my mind when I saw their mama, she was a big lady, a real porker. They had other animals too, cows, llamas, alpacas, and lots of sheep; they all looked a little miserable today though, as it was sooooo hot. After checking out the animals we tried our hand at the corn maze which covered three acres; not really the smartest thing to do when it’s 90 degrees but we did it anyway. We were awesome; we managed to answer almost all the questions right and only ended up at a dead end one time. It was a good job we didn’t spend anymore time in there or I’d have missed Brenda and her hot teats! Brenda is a cow and I got to milk her; I was an excellent milker and Brenda runs at about 104 degrees.
I sealed the seams of the tent this afternoon before we took it down and put it away. We are all set now, only 6 weeks to go.

Mike: Becc has found her vocation in life, milking cows.

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