I finally saw the Atlantic Ocean today; it only took us five months to get here. We took Tal-y for a run on Wells beach this morning as we haven’t been on a beach since we left San Diego, not a real beach anyway. It was lovely, a little windy but really refreshing. The ocean was awesome as usual, although it’s a little colder and a lot choppier than the Pacific usually is in San Diego. Tal-y got lots of exercise and played with a little Sheltie; she made sure she rolled in as much sand as possible, anyone would think she hadn't seen sand in months! This beach had lots of tide pools and big rocks with barnacles, which I don’t think she’s seen before, and just had to check out. When she was thoroughly worn out we left her back at the trailer and went shopping to the Kittery outlet mall. I went looking for some waterproof trainers and came home with three new pairs of boots; Bass was having a sale, buy one pair get two free, how could I say no. They actually had three pairs I liked that are all waterproof; it’s very different shopping on this coast than in southern California.
We stopped for ice cream on the way home at Sundaes by the Beach. They make all their own product and it was out of this world, the raspberry chocolate chip was to die for, even Tal-y thought so.
We took Tal-y for a walk around the park when we got home and met two other Welsh Terriers that are in Maine visiting from Florida. Ben was really friendly while Kip stayed in the car as she wasn’t feeling good. We chatted to their owner for a while and she confirmed that her dogs are just as stubborn and pigheaded as Tal-y. She did tell us however that Tal-y was very sweet and well behaved for a two year old Welshie, and she has had a bunch of them so she should know.
Mike: Three pairs of boots! Where are we going to put them? I'll have to buy a trailer to tow behing the trailer! I must have had a weak moment!
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