Today I met a 1700 pound chocolate moose called Lenny, saw a 17 foot boot, and ate my first animal flesh in quite awhile, a very productive day wouldn’t you say?
We took a beautiful scenic drive up the coast of southern Maine this morning heading towards Freeport. The drive was lovely, beautiful trees that are just starting to change colour for fall, and some wonderful big old houses. I wish we could go in a look around some of the houses here, especially the ones with round turrets, how do you furnish those? We drove north for quite a while stopping of in Scarborough to visit Lenny at Len Libby’s chocolate store. He was very cool; it looked like a lot of work, and chocolate had gone into making him. He also had a 500-pound bear friend sharing his space. Surprisingly enough I managed to get Mike out of the store without him having bought pounds of fudge, amazing.
Next we headed to Freeport to visit the first L.L. Bean store that was opened in
1917, and then in 1951 the locks were taken off the doors and it has been open 24/7, 365 days a year ever since. It was huge, actually it’s no longer just one store but more than a handful of them; L.L. Bean actually has its own zip code. Freeport is a cute little town that was nice to walk around even though it was full of shoppers. In addition to L.L. Bean there are over 150 other stores; it is quite literally a brand shoppers paradise.
Since by this time we were getting a little peckish we drove a little further north to Wiscasset to have lobster at Red’s Eats. Red’s is supposed to serve the best lobster rolls anywhere in Maine, and therefore anywhere in the world, according to 1000 Places to see in the US and Canada Before You Die. We had been warned that there was always a queue and we weren’t disappointed; we got in line and 65 minutes later we placed our order – not the speediest service in the world. Well we got one lobster roll (thankfully we didn’t order one each) and paid $18.95 for it; it is the best after all. Ok so when it came it was a toasted hot dog roll with more than a whole lobster on it. I was expecting it to be hot but it was cold and it came with drawn butter and mayo. I tasted it, my first meat in a long time, and after three bites I wanted to gag. It wasn’t the taste as it was really mild, but the texture was really stringy and just gross; yes Scott it was a texture thing. Mike ate some of it and the rest we brought home for Tal-y (even she wasn’t very impressed with it and just left it on her plate). I can’t tell you whether it was the best lobster in the world, as I have nothing to compare it to, but if it is the best I don’t want to think about the worst. No more lobster for me, ever!
Mike: I knew there was a reason I'm vegetarian! I Like Chocolate!
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