If I ever said while I was in San Diego that I missed the rain, and I know I did on more than one occasion, I take it back, if I never see rain again it’ll be too soon. The weather channel had been warning that last night and today were going to be wet and windy in this area so last night we put the awning down and got all cleared up outside. Turns out there wasn’t too much rain or wind in the night and we woke up to a fairly dry morning. Thankfully we got up early and did everything we had to before the storm actually hit as it was a beauty. Before the storm came Mike did manage to make me cry while we were hitching up the trailer to Serena, how was I to know the front stabilizers would stop the hitch attaching to the ball? He’s just mean sometimes although I didn’t mean it when I told him I hated being in the trailer with him and wanted to go back to San Diego.
Mike picked Tal-y and me up at the gate just as the first massive drops of rain started to fall, and then just as we got on the road the heavens opened and I don’t think I’ve ever seen rain like it. We got on the interstate and it was almost impossible to see where we were going as the rain was coming down so hard and the lorries that were passing us were making it worse by kicking up bunches of spray, it was scary but I only made Mike stop one time. Mike had wanted to take the scenic route to Maine through Vermont and New Hampshire, and if I hadn't already changed his mind he would have done so himself; the less time we had to spend on the road in that weather the better. Thankfully by the time we reached Maine the rain had stopped coming down quite so hard, and we did manage to get set up during a relatively dry spell. The rain did come back later this afternoon and evening which gutted Tal-y as all she could do was sit and watch the squirrels running around outside while she was stuck in the trailer; I’m sure she’ll get her own back sometime during our stay. The park seems to be nice although I haven’t had much chance to check it out. At least it’s clean, the sites are easy to park on, and it’s close to the main road that runs the coast of Maine.
Mike: Nice rain! Now all we have to figure out is how to get the water to San Diego!
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