At about 2.30 this morning both Mike and I were out of bed and Tal-y was feeling like the Queen of the trailer as she had the whole bed to herself.
We didn’t do anything exciting today, just a bit of shopping, a bit of cooking and a lot of eating. I made split pea soup as I’m trying to use up all the food we have here before we leave so I don’t have to throw too much away. Now I just have to figure out something exciting to do with black eyed peas.
Tal-y actually went in her new house today and lay down for a while without me having to throw treats in it first, and the armadillo came by to wish us happy New Year this afternoon while we were sitting outside the trailer (he has nails to rival Tal-y's). Tal-y said Happy New Year back in a very loud voice.
Tal-y wasn’t very impressed with the fireworks tonight. I tried to take her out about half past midnight to go to the bathroom and she was scared to death, she tried to hide under the truck. I guess she’s going to have to hold it till the morning, which will be good practice for her long flight in a few weeks.
Mike: Happy New Year! I'm in my shorts and t-shirt.