After taking Tal-y for a walk this morning, steering well clear of the lake, we went to get propane and pick up our mail in Yemassee. What a sad little town, it really doesn’t have anything going for it at all, it looks like everyone just forgot it exists. It’s another of the places that we’ve been through that was probably once a bustling little area but then the freeway bypassed it and all the life was just sucked right out – very sad indeed. Beaufort on the other hand is a completely different story. We visited Beaufort after we got the chores out of the way; it’s pronounced ‘Bewfort’ and is a really beautiful if somewhat touristy city. We ate lunch at one of the local cafes before walking to the Waterfront Park which overlooks the Beaufort River. Afterwards we drove around the part of town known as ‘The Point’ and checked out some of those antebellum houses; they are absolutely amazing, really beautiful with all the columns and balconies; I think though that what makes them so special is the trees that surround them. Some of the live oak that they have must be hundreds of years old, and the way the branches grow they are just like works of art.
Beaufort was nice, with all it’s old houses and churches and such, and they have an amazing little chocolate shop that sells chocolate in every shape imaginable and it all tastes really good.
When we got back to the park I persuaded Mike to take a walk with us and he was quite amenable to that since today is quite a lot warmer than it has been recently. We walked a little around the lake and even with the sunshine didn’t spot any alligators.
Mike: Magnificent houses, its hard to believe one family lived there! Good Chocolate!
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