I got up somewhat early this morning as we headed to West Palm Beach today to see Alex and Nick. The drive was about an hour and a half but there was very little traffic and the whole trip it was past farmland; the soil here is amazing, I’ve never seen anything so black. We had decided to get to WPB a bit early to hang out with them before lunch, as Nick had to be someplace this afternoon. We found them both in Barnes and Noble and we sat and had coffee and caught up on their lives for a while. There are both doing great and seem to have grown and matured so much since we last saw them; maybe it was all the college talk. Is Alex really old enough to be going to college in the fall? After chatting for a while we headed next door and had a really good lunch and some more chat. Then we walked Nick to his school where he was volunteering for the afternoon. Before Alex took off we stopped off to visit with Vicki, who despite being sick looked fantastic, then we said goodbye to Alex and headed out. It was really great to catch up with them and I’m glad we managed to get down there and that they had time to see us, as who knows when we’ll see them next.
Mike: It was great to see the grand kids!
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