We are on the move again today and this time I have the correct address. We got hooked up and ready to go before any of our neighbours decided to come help us, although Mike did have to ask the people across the street to not park right in front of us. It makes it hard to pull out when there are other vehicles in the way!
We got on the road earlyish and headed back the way we had come last weekend. The place we have just been at is the furthest south we are staying while we are in Florida this time round. So we headed back up the 27 (I think Serena could drive this piece of road with her eyes shut at this point); we passed the place we spent Christmas and New Year at and headed further north. We are going to be spending the next two weeks in Wildwood which is about 10 miles from Leesburg (I think east of it but it could be west).
We got to the park and Mike checked in with an old battle axe in the office. We found our spot and got parked and level in record quick time. I think this is the fastest we’ve ever gotten unhitched. It’s a nice park, with all pullthrus and full hookups, we’ve even got internet. The only problem is there’s no dog park, no cable and we only get one good tv channel, yep, just one, FOX. We sometimes get CBS and the Weather Channel but only if we hold our heads just so – will Mike survive, stay tuned?
Mike: That's why there is "redbox" and "blockbuster express", besides your the one that needs to watch all your little TV programs.
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