I got up this morning with the intention of catching up on some emails, but didn’t get too much done as it’s hard to write with someone looking over your shoulder the whole time. Tal-y was very impatient to get on the computer and email Rosie to tell her she’d see her soon!
So instead, and since we didn’t have anywhere to go today, I did laundry. Not the most fun thing but a necessary one, and at least here the washers and dryers are actually in a room. I got it almost finished when a woman came in with what looked like six months of washing. When I do washing I like to get it on so that it can get done as soon as possible, but not her. I was there for about 20 minutes and she managed to get one washer on. She was definitely not a multitasker, talking and loading she could not do; she’ll probably still be there this time next week.
Tal-y and I took a walk this afternoon and found out that her friend Lucy is staying at this park too. She’s the Irish Setter that Tal-y took a liking to when we were at Moore Haven, and it seems that they remembered each other as they started playing straight away.
Mike: Maybe you should have had another one of your quiet times so the poor lady
could get her wash done!