Sunday, November 13, 2011

I needn’t have worried about the wind keeping me awake last night, what with the road traffic, the train whistle blowing every hour, and the cockerel crowing at day break, the wind would hardly have been noticeable if it had been blowing.
Not much happening today besides laundry and just hanging out. When I went to get my the washing I got talking to a couple who have been Rving for the past 20 years and absolutely love it, obviously. I think they told me about every park they had ever stayed in, and while the information is always welcome I wonder how the heck they remember one from another. I can barely remember the ones we stayed at last month never mind last year; they all seem to jumble together and as for remembering the names, forget about it.
While I was at the laundry I got talking to a guy who I think might live at the park. He was a nice guy and had just rescued a stray dog named George. He was quite amazed by meeting a welsh person in Oklahoma, I guess they don’t get too many of us here. I represented for Wales admirably, in fact, I think I’m becoming a right little social butterfly, oh and I whipped Mike’s butt in pool this afternoon!

Mike: You don't have to tell everyone!

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