Saturday, November 12, 2011

We left Arkansas and drove west this morning. Our final destination was in Oklahoma, but most of our drive was across the north/east corner of Texas. The park in Oklahoma is only 5 miles from the Texas border and as we are only here for two nights we are not going to see much of the state. In fact, since we haven’t unhitched the trailer the only part of Oklahoma we are going to see is the campground in Thackerville, and five miles of highway between it and Texas. At least the park is nice, there are a lot of permanent people staying here but they are at the other end of the park; we have been put in the first space after leaving the office and the only neighbours we have are the cats. I thought it was windy in the park in Arkansas but it’s a lot more so here (the wind is sweepin' down the plain), hopefully it’ll drop off before tonight so I can sleep good.

Mike:I think I heard a choo-choo train!

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